How to find the right IPO for investment purposes?

How to Choose Best IPO to Invest

Let us begin with defining the Initial Public Offer (IPO) before understanding how to find the right IPO for investment purposes. An Initial Public Offer (IPO) is where any private company offers its equity shares to the public. Herein, the IPO becomes an exit option for the existing shareholders. We have written about whether should…

Financial success in 2022
Personal Finance

Tips For Financial Success

We are already past a month in 2022, and time flies. But, the good news is that financial planning is a long term journey, and you are not late. The perspective is life, and that is the period under consideration. However, every day is vital as every moment contributes to wealth creation. So, start now…

Top ten investment options in India
Finance Basics

The top ten investment options in India

We live in this modern-day era where change is the only constant, and the investment world is no different. Economies worldwide are more connected than ever. As a result, many investment options are available to investors. Furthermore, technological advancements are beyond belief, making investing highly convenient. Any investment opportunity is just a click away. However,…

Investing in the stock market for beginners

Investing in the stock market for beginners

The stock market attracts investors in large numbers, called direct investors. Similarly, some investors participate via the indirect route like mutual funds. The euphoria caused by rising indices and the fear of missing out (FOMO) is amongst the most popular reasons for mounting direct retail interest in the stock market. Of course, investors desirous of…

money secrets
Personal Finance

Is sharing money secrets a good habit?

Sharing is caring; we all know about it. In other words, to share is to give something to someone, which is equal to taking care of the person. But, that’s not always true. For instance, sharing financial and personal information with others is unnecessary and detrimental. Sharing information like passwords is strictly prohibited. However, there…

How to weigh the risk of stocks, mutual funds and IPOs?

How to weigh the risk of equity investments?

Investors allocate their investible surplus into various assets to diversify risks and achieve holistic portfolio growth. There are several asset classes, and we have discussed six major asset classes earlier. Amongst these, the most popular moderate to high-risk, long-term investment option is ‘Equities’. An investment into equities can be either direct, through mutual funds or…